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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is additional government funding for pupils who are either looked after children or perceived to come from disadvantaged backgrounds. This funding is then used to boost the learning of pupils so that the gap between pupils is narrowed and all pupils are then able to reach their full potential.


Evidence shows that the most effective schools achieve best outcomes through high quality teaching, strong leadership, a relevant and coherent curriculum, a culture of high expectations and targeted catch-up and enrichment activities. Intrinsic support in the basics can enable children from disadvantaged backgrounds to catch up with their peers. Schools also influence how parents support their child’s learning and behaviour as they grow older and their needs develop. They can also help parents understand the breadth of possibilities open to their child and how their child can achieve their aspirations.


Key Principles for using the Pupil Premium Grant at Quorn Hall School:

  1. Quorn Hall School has a commitment to raise achievements for pupils who are eligible for PPG and is determined to achieve this.

  2. Quorn Hall School never confuses eligible pupils with low ability and strives to bring out the best in this group of pupils and support them to achieve the highest levels.

  3. Quorn Hall School creates an overall package of support aimed to tackle the range of barriers including attendance, behaviour, learning difficulties, external factors, and professional development focusing on improving outcomes for eligible pupils. Pupil premium funding is used to improve the quality of education, develop language acquisition, facilitate parental engagement, and provide opportunities for first-hand experiences and development of literacy and numeracy skills.

  4. Quorn Hall School directs resources and interventions to accelerate progress of eligible pupils and close the attainment gap compared to their peers.  In 2019-20 60 percent of pupils qualified to be in receipt of PPG.  The whole school budget is used to supplement the total cost for those pupils not in receipt of PPG.

  5.  Quorn Hall School ensures class teachers and staff know which pupils are eligible for Pupil Premium so they can take responsibility for accelerating progress and accountability is shared across the school.

Pupil Premium is paid in varying amounts from different Local Authorities and is sometimes included as part of our admissions fees hence the low figure allocated, which does not actually reflect the number of students we have that are entitled to receive PPG. 

The Cost of Support, raising attainment:

A sample of the additional costs associated with the specialist support on offer is highlighted below:

  • Resources for 1-1 interventions therapeutic/group £1000

  • Leicester Riders Basketball coaching £420

  • Animal therapy £900

  • Significant additional pastoral/behavioural input 1:1 to support pupils back to classroom £19,500

  • 1:1 interventions for literacy and numeracy and online packages to support learning £6,228

  • Enrichment/Rewards trips £2000

Total Spend £30,048

Total Pupil Premium Income £2845

Additional support from whole school budget £27,203



Pupil Premium Projected Income and Spend  2020-2021:


With a projected Pupil Premium Income higher to previous years the projected spend for 20-21 is outlined below. 


Quorn Hall School aims to provide the best possible quality of education for some of the most vulnerable young learners.  Currently 59% of students at Quorn Hall School qualify to receive pupil premium grant (PPG).  The whole school budget will be used to supplement the total cost for those pupils not in receipt of PPG.

  • Resources for 1-1 interventions £2000

  • Leicester Riders Basketball coaching £2,520

  • Animal therapy £1000

  • Significant additional pastoral/behavioural input 1:1 to support students back to classroom £19,500

  • 1:1 interventions for literacy and numeracy and online packages to support learning £6228

  • Minibus lease £4800

  • Enrichment/Rewards trips £2000

Total Spend £38,048

Estimated Total Pupil Premium Income £7850

Additional support from whole school budget £30,198

Quorn Hall School uses the money obtained from the PPG to ensure that those pupils entitled to pupil premium make progress.

In particular it is used to support any individual targets on their education, health and care plans and to provide extra support to narrow gaps in attainment and progress.  These gaps often occur as a result of absence in education (prior to starting at Quorn Hall School), additional learning and SEMH needs.  We also use pupil premium grants to expose children to activities that they may not encounter, to develop cultural capital. 


Analysis of data has enabled us to broaden the curriculum and the use of interventions for pupils in receipt of PPG to include literacy targeted intervention, numeracy targeted intervention and therapeutic/behavioural support for the academic year 2019-20.  In this way we hope to diminish the gap attainment/progress between PPG and non-PPG pupils, and forecast that the impact of the therapeutic curriculum and additional behaviour/pastoral support will eradicate barriers to learning in 2020-2021.


Pupil Premium Strategy Statement


Quorn Hall School is part of Newcome Education.

Quorn Hall School is registered in England & Wales. No: 06342062. Registered office: 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ.

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