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We intend to provide high-quality PSHE education which enables pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepared for future life and work.


We know that a well-delivered PSHE curriculum can have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for all children. Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an essential and necessary part of all pupils’ education, helping them to become independent and responsible members of society. All pupils should build a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts. In every PSHE lesson all pupils are encouraged to develop their emotional and social wellbeing, relationships and self-worth. 




Our PSHE curriculum has been developed to provide opportunities for our pupils to learn about rights and responsibilities and to understand and appreciate what it means to be part of a diverse society. We expect all teachers to be able to have open and honest conversation with their pupils, allowing them to speak openly, without feeling judged or unheard.


Our curriculum lead teacher will use the PSHE curriculum to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed and safe decisions. We believe that the purpose of PSHE is to educate children and young people to be well rounded citizens who are confident to make decisions that both affect them and the world around them. Furthermore, we intend to build a PSHE curriculum that incorporates the understanding of relationship and sex education (RSE) so that pupils know more, remember more and understand more, this is taught using guidelines from the National Curriculum and Jigsaw.


As a result children will know how to be safe and understand how to develop healthy relationships, both now and in their future lives. 




The PSHE curriculum covers the areas ‘Physical, Social, Health and Emotional well-being’ it also incorporates the teaching of RSE, British values and teaches children the importance of being part of not just a school community, but also a wider community.


Through the scheme ‘Jigsaw’ children have the opportunity to explore, ask questions and gain knowledge on their own personal growth and development. Through progression maps and I can statements, teachers can easily track which stage a child should be at in their development and through using progression in skills teachers can see and note the vocabulary children should be using for their age group.


However, many attributes of PSHE, will also be taught through cross curricular teaching; team-work in PE, patience with art, showing love and respect during RE, Collective Worship time and assemblies. So although PSHE is taught discretely through weekly sessions, it will also be seen throughout many other subjects taught at Quorn Hall School. 




Through a well-thought out and developed PSHE curriculum, we believe that this not only has an impact on a pupil’s physical, social, health and emotional wellbeing, but also their academic success.  Pupils will learn how to develop life skills and strategies, which they can apply to real life situations that they will face in modern day Britain. 


Pupils will build up resilience and tolerance to a range of current global issues and are given a sense of responsibility to look after themselves and others. 


Pupils understand that there are many differences in our world, they are taught to be respectful and show kindness and generosity. 


Pupils will be given information so that they can make informed decisions about their future life choices.  Through lessons provided by ‘Jigsaw’ pupils will understand how their bodies develop, both physically and emotionally, as they grow and change.


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Quorn Hall School is part of Newcome Education.

Quorn Hall School is registered in England & Wales. No: 06342062. Registered office: 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ.

Copyright © 2025 Newcome Education

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