Positive Relationship Mentors
Positive Relationship Mentors (PRMs) at Quorn Hall School
What is a Positive Relationship Mentor?
In September 2024 we appointed three members of staff to become Positive Relationship Mentors. Every PRM works within a specific phase of our school. The PRMs have set up safe spaces for each phase to use. Our mentors operate out of the safe spaces and have worked hard at setting up a comfortable, inviting and calming space for our pupils.
What do the PRMs do?
As Positive Relationships Mentors, we grow trusting relationships with our pupils and offer them a safe space to press pause when the school day becomes overwhelming, or just when they need a chat!
PRMs pride themselves on knowing the pupils in our Key Stages, being a source of support for them when struggling, and a cheerleader when they achieve. A large part of our role is creating and updating positive behaviour support plans, which include our pupil’s voice of how they want to be supported and how we can meet their needs in school.
Using pupil voice the PRMs have established a Rewards Room at school – a fun, exciting and interactive space which pupils can access following a week of positive engagement to learning.
What will be the impact of the PRMs?
Much of the work the PRMs complete is informed by data and experience. Some of the day to day work is in response to a particular situation however the majority of interventions completed are considered to be proactive and strategic.
We use a system of measuring called HoNOSCA at Quorn Hall School which gathers feedback and information from a wide team of clinicians. The HoNOSCA team plan interventions to support our pupils and improve outcomes.
A key part of the mentor role is delivering interventions to pupils such as social communication groups, emotion coaching, lego-based therapy and social emotional mental health support with their friendships and feelings. The PRMs are an important component of our Anti-Bullying strategy working with both victims and those pupils who show bullying behaviours. Our work on this is based around The Diana Award anti-bullying programme.
The PRMs’ aim is to help pupils to develop healthy coping strategies that they can take with them long after their journey at Quorn Hall.
Meet the team:
What do our pupils say about the PRMs?
“You help me feel safe and care about me lots.“
“You are fun and help me, especially when I'm sad.”
“You care about us all and play with us and help us.”
“You help pupils with their mental health and needs and support them in understanding themselves so that they can attend school and lessons without worrying about their own problems.”
“The safe space is a place I can go to get away from it all, it is quiet and you always make time for me, you are amazing.”