Inspection & Policies
Quorn Hall School is inspected by OfSted.
The most recent Inspection Report can be read in full here:
Ofsted monitoring progress report March 2024
The Inspectors’ Report highlights areas where we can improve and we take this feedback seriously.
An inspection provides a window into the school for just a couple of days, yet our staff work incredibly hard all year round, going above and beyond, to ensure that our pupils have the best opportunities and experiences available to them.
We have implemented a robust action plan following the inspection – when we are visited again by OfSted, we will evidence the embedded practice and meet all standards and recommendations set by them.
The positive feedback from the Inspectors includes:
We illustrated the positive relationships and care that the staff have for our pupils.
We have a strong, effective safeguarding policy and practice.
The Proprietors and leaders have sustained investment and development of the curriculum and enrichment facilities.
Our work and the implementation of a library in school were praised by the Inspectors – we will continue to work hard to drive a love of reading and indeed a wide approach to early readers of all ages and need, in a population who could be resistant to reading.
We have broadened the curriculum offer to all pupils, including successful Level Two academic programmes, leading to the pupils at Quorn Hall having access to, and achieving GCSE qualifications.
Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
British Values, SMSC/Cultural Capital Statement (PDF)
Complaints Policy - for parents (PDF)
Complaints Policy - other than parents (PDF)
Countering Bullying Policy (PDF)
Designated Teacher Policy (PDF)
Early Career Framework Policy (PDF)
Electronic Communications and Use of Social Media Policy (PDF)
Everyone's Invited Statement (PDF)
First Aid and Medication Policy (PDF)
Health & Safety Policy and Procedures (PDF)
Missing and/or Absence/Running Away Policy
Mobile Phone Policy Staff (PDF)
Mobile Phone Policy Students (PDF)
Modern Slavery Act – CEL Supplier Policy
Positive Relationships Policy (PDF)
Privacy Notice School Pupils and Parents (PDF)
Privacy Notice Visitors
Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy and Procedure (PDF)
Relationships and Sex Education Policy (PDF)
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (PDF)
Safer Recruitment Policy (PDF)
Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy (PDF)
Suspensions and Exclusions Policy (PDF)
Visitor Policies and Procedures (PDF)
2024/2025 SEN Information Report (PDF)
If you require copies of policies in any other format, please contact us.
Academic Year 2023-2024
Stage 1 = 9
Stage 2 = 1
Stage 3 = 0