Physical Education ​
Physical Education is an important part of the curriculum at Quorn Hall School.
Physical Education at Quorn Hall School aims to ensure that all pupils: develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities, are physically active for sustained periods of time, and engage in competitive sports and activities.
Our Intent:
At Quorn Hall School, we strive to create a culture which aims to inspire an active generation to enjoy PE, encourage each other and achieve highly. We provide a safe, supportive, and stimulating learning environment for children to flourish in a broad range of physical activities which are essential in supporting their physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, social and moral development.
At Quorn Hall School we offer a dynamic, varied and stimulating program of sporting activity to ensure that all pupils progress through an inspirational, unique and fully inclusive PE curriculum. We assess students using the MeinPE assessment framework, where no pupil is left behind.
We encourage all students to develop their understanding of the way in which human physiology works and adapts, how to use sporting equipment and apparatus safely yet imaginatively to achieve their personal goals. All pupils have the opportunity to enjoy being physically active, maintain a healthy lifestyle and use the medium of sport, and increase their self-esteem.
We inspire pupils to adopt a positive mind-set and believe that anything can be achieved with determination and resilience.
The overall aim of PE at Quorn Hall School is to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles as lifelong learning. Pupils are taught to observe and produce the conversations of sportsmanship, fair play, honest competition, and good sporting behaviour as individual participants, team members and spectators. Thus, embedding life-long values such as cooperation, collaboration and equality of play.
Our PE curriculum, along with PSHE and Science, teaches students about the importance of healthy living and learning about the importance of good nutrition. At Quorn Hall School we aim for pupils to develop the necessary knowledge and skills which will have a positive impact on their future by becoming physically active citizens to benefit their long-term health and well-being.
Our Implementation:​
Physical Education at Quorn Hall School provides challenging and enjoyable learning environments through a range of sporting activities including; invasion games, net and wall games, strike and fielding games, gymnastics, dance, swimming and outdoor adventure.
We implement the MEinPE assessment framework so that all students will achieve success. Students will engage in a range of leadership, coaching, officiating, analysing or participating.
Students are invited to attend competitive sporting events and fixtures within the local area. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by the students
Each year students also have the opportunity to undertake the Level 1 in Sports Leadership or the Level 2 in Community Sports Leadership Award. They develop into sporting role models for the other students, assisting with certain aspects of PE lessons, our annual sports day, and any other sporting activities.
The long-term plan sets out the PE modules which are to be taught throughout the academic year, and ensures that the requirements of the national curriculum are fully met
Students in all key stages have the opportunity to undertake 10 weeks of swimming during autumn and winter terms. We also include water safety in key stage three and four
Students have the opportunity to participate in workshops covering a variety of sports throughout the year. For example, archery, outdoor and adventure, boxing, football, basketball, mini-golf, rock climbing and more. This provides the students with an opportunity to develop, improve their fitness and foster a love of learning in a new sport
Pupils participate in two sporting disciplines each half term. In addition, students are encouraged to participate in the varied range of extra-curricular activities, including outsourced companies such as Leicester Riders Basketball. Students are encouraged to participate in competitive school fixtures all year round.
At Quorn Hall School some pupils take part in the “Daily Mile”, to help meet the government's target of all pupils being active for at least 60 minutes a day
Our Impact:
At Quorn Hall School we motivate pupils to participate in a variety of sports through a quality of teaching that is engaging and enjoyable. From our lessons, our pupils learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness, many of whom also enjoy the success of competitive sports. Pupils have the opportunity to gain the NCFE Level 1/2 Award in Health and Fitness during KS4.
We equip our pupils with the necessary skills and love for sport and physical activity. Here at Quorn Hall School we aim to ensure pupils leave with a love for one or more sports in the following areas (participation, coaching or officiating. They will grow up to live healthy and happy lives utilising the skills and knowledge acquired in PE, into all aspects of their lives.
Sports Leaders
During Key stage 3 our pupils undertake a qualification in Young Leaders which prepares them for the Sports Leadership Level 1 qualification in Key stage 4 where they will learn and demonstrate important life skills such as; effective communication and organisation. Through their learning, our pupils will develop confidence to help lead basic physical activities to younger people, their peers, older generations and within the community.
The courses involve both guided & peer-to-peer learning and supervised leadership to ensure that learners have all the skills they need to lead basic physical activities to other people.
We offer qualifications in Sports Leadership at Level 1 and 2 to ensure that pupils have a structured leadership pathway that helps them develop along the way. Our Level 2 Qualification Sports Leadership is recognised in personal statements for further education and can lead to our pupils having the opportunity, if desired, to go on to college and complete their Level 3 Qualification in Sports Leadership (SL3) which carries UCAS points!
By the end of the qualification our pupils will be healthy, confident leaders through sport and physical activity and have knowledge and skill to support them in adult life.
"Your staff are all amazing and I am in awe of their commitment, energy and passion for their chosen career."
– Parent