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Math Class



At Quorn Hall School, we believe that our curriculum is the cement which provides our pupils with a solid foundation on which to build their future, both academically and socially.

Key Stage 2

Engagement is key to the successful study of Mathematics and we are constantly striving to improve the experience our pupils receive. Every piece of work completed by our pupils is marked and instant feedback is provided informing them of both their success and next steps. This is emulated through learning environments and effective modelling.


We find our approach to planning, delivering and reviewing Mathematics has been very successful in raising the self-esteem of our pupils, resulting in a high level of engagement with the subject. In addition to this, we actively explore concepts with our more able pupils to challenge their thinking and understanding.


"We complete Maths sessions every day."

– Teacher


We utilise various schemes to aid in our delivery. Our Mathematics curriculum planning follows Maths No Problem supplemented with White Rose Maths, and TT Rock stars. This ensures that our pupils are following the complete National Curriculum. We then take the objectives and differentiate accordingly to meet individual’s needs. Each day is supported with a focused arithmetic session.


Our set of key non-negotiables for every teacher and classroom in mathematics strives to ensure clear expectations, rigour, great presentation and a clear/fluid learning journey, which allows all pupils whatever their starting points to reason about maths and apply their learnt skills.


Key Stage 3


Quorn Hall School recognises the importance of Mathematics in Key Stage 3.  Our pupils get the opportunity to follow a broad Mathematics curriculum that addresses their gaps in knowledge, builds on their prior knowledge and stretches them a little further each year, thus preparing them for KS4 study and beyond. 


Mathematics is taught four times a week and our vision is to create an environment in which all pupils can make progress through a kinaesthetic, engaging, immersive and a creative approach. 


We use the White Rose Maths KS3 maths text books where mathematical concepts are broken down into small steps to help all pupils make progress and experience a smooth and successful transition from KS2 to KS3 Maths that builds on ability and progress in primary maths.

Pupils are able to master topics which are then interleaved and revisited in other contexts to aid memory and make connections.


"We ensure that students secure conceptual understanding with models and visual representations."

– Staff


The White Rose Mathematics curriculum is furthered supplemented by access to TT Rock stars and My Maths software to ensure regular opportunities for consolidation, revision and memory connections to be made.


Pupil's pathways are closely monitored throughout KS3 so that a flexible approach to gaining qualifications in Mathematics at KS4 is possible.


Key Stage 4


Pupils in KS4 are working towards gaining Mathematics qualifications.  We have a range of these on offer including entry level, functional skills and GCSE, so that pupils can aim to gain a qualification that is achievable and tailored to them.


All pupils will initially follow the NCFE Functional skills curriculum  which is tailored for pupils looking to become confident in their use of fundamental mathematical knowledge and skills.


Functional Skills qualifications support our pupils to demonstrate their understanding by applying their knowledge and skills to solve simple mathematical problems or carry out simple tasks.


If appropriate, pupils will then go on to follow the Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Mathematics Foundation Level course.


The topics followed are straightforward and written in clear and simple language making the assessments accessible to all pupils, to give them every chance to show their mathematical ability and reach their potential.


"Above all else, the teaching and learning of mathematics should be fun for all concerned, and not something to fear."

– Teacher

Easter '23-24EL/ GCSE Pathway Maths


Overcoming barriers pupils have built up over time is a key facet of building confidence and instilling a “can do” approach in all.


The maths department recognises the need to make lessons engaging, involving and as fun as possible, incorporating games, puzzles and quizzes that are designed to encourage pupils to forget that they are actually involved in learning what, up until this point, has often been a challenging experience for many.

Math Formulas
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Quorn Hall School is part of Newcome Education.

Quorn Hall School is registered in England & Wales. No: 06342062. Registered office: 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ.

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