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Learning Support



Many pupils at Quorn Hall School have experienced significant disruption in their learning and are working below Age Related Expectations in most subject areas. Pupils at Quorn Hall School may have additional learning needs and comorbid diagnoses.


All pupils at Quorn Hall School have an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) detailing their Special Educational Needs. The SEN department ensures that the needs detailed in a child's plan are met within our provision. If the SEN team identifies that a pupil may need support or assessment from an external agency, a referral will be made and the appropriate recommendations will be incorporated into the support package around the pupil. 


All pupils have access to a range of classroom strategies, styles and aids to support their learning. Our classrooms are ‘Dyslexia Friendly’; pupils have access to overlays, line guides, talking tins and memory aids to support their executive functioning skills (skills in organisation, memory, starting and finishing a task). Displays are used to support and hinge pupil learning whilst providing an immersive learning environment. We further provide intensive learning support for Reading, Writing and Maths for those pupils that are significantly behind their age related expectations and a learning support program is tailored to their needs, learning style and cognitive profile. This may include the use of interventions such as, Toe By Toe, Precision Teaching, Nessy and Paired reading.


For those pupils requiring support in recording and presenting information, we use a range of strategies such as the readers, scribes, assistive technology (for example a C-Pen), word processing, prompts and learning breaks. We further have the capacity to use standardised testing to identify individual learning needs that can be used to support the application for access arrangements alongside the support that has been identified as a pupils “normal way of working”.


"I've never seen 'L' click that well with a male teacher, they hit it off really well."

- Parent


Pupils also have access to a range of interventions around social and emotional communication. We have staff trained in a range of communication strategies, and pupils can receive a ‘boost’ using the ‘talkit’ programme. Pupils with speech language and communication needs are supported by highly experienced staff and can be supported using Makaton, PECs or assistive technology as recommended by external professionals. We have staff who can deliver Speech and Language programmes that have been created by a Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT).  Pupils are supported with their emotional literacy with interventions and support programmes with experienced and qualified staff.


Pupils with sensory needs are given sensory aids and breaks tailored to their needs. We have staff who can deliver sensory integration programmes that have been created by an Occupational Therapist (OT). 


If required, additional assessment from SaLT and OT can be arranged within school. There is also consultancy access from an Educational Psychologist within the Cavendish Group.




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Quorn Hall School is part of Newcome Education.

Quorn Hall School is registered in England & Wales. No: 06342062. Registered office: 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ.

Copyright © 2025 Newcome Education

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