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Duke of Edinburgh


"He is like a different child and he seems very happy in the classroom."

- Parent / Carer

We are proud to announce that QHS is a licenced centre for the Duke of Edinburgh Award.


The DofE Award allows our pupils to develop essential life skills that will give them an edge over their peers when moving on into the world of employment. 


There are 4 main sections to the DofE Award, each designed to benefit not only our pupils but the wider community as a whole. They involve helping the community/environment by doing volunteer work, becoming fitter and adopting a more healthier lifestyle, developing new skills and planning, training for and completing an expedition. 

Achieving an Award isn’t a competition or about being first. It’s all about setting personal challenges and pushing personal boundaries and we encourage our students to strive for self motivation and self improvement from the moment that they become part of the QHS family.


Key Stage 4


Our oldest members of our QHS family will complete the 4 sections over a period of 6 months, demonstrating their resilience and ability to commit to a project over a long period of time. Their expedition will require a practice expedition of 2 days walking and 1 night camping followed by their main expedition which will be 3 days walking and 2 nights camping. 


For more information please click here:

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Quorn Hall School is part of Newcome Education.

Quorn Hall School is registered in England & Wales. No: 06342062. Registered office: 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ.

Copyright © 2024 Newcome Education

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